Love is a verb, attraction is a feeling

Sumon Chhetry
2 min readAug 14, 2021

Attraction is the easiest thing that can happen between two human being when they are connecting face o face or virtually. This feeling is really crazy and this is the feeling that make us say and do all the stupid things we do or have done or said in those moments of attraction.

I’m pretty sure we all are guilty of it. This feeling kinda make us feel like we are high on some drugs and with this happy and crazy feeling in out head and heart, we do a lot of shit and later when we think about about it, either we feel embarrassed or end up crying.

At the same time we all think love is feeling but no it’s more than that, it’s a choice, it’s a responsibility, it’s work. Love is not a feeling, it’s a verb.

We may feel attracted towards a lot of people in different stages of our life but at the end we decide whom we want to love. It’s like a role we chose for our self and decide whom we want to love. Once we decide that it becomes easier for us to put all our efforts into loving that one person no matter how.

So don’t confuse attraction with love cause they are not same.

